10:26 video
I arrive for the swimsuit modeling audition bright-eyed and ready to go. You inform me, however, that the first thing I need to do is strip out of my clothes. You explain it's because you need to understand what kind of body type I have. I'm a little confused but I start taking my clothes off, down to my underwear. You tell me that needs to go too. Finally I'm naked and a little embarrassed in front of you. You tell me to start posing in different ways, I'm still a little unsure about all of this, but I do as I'm told. Finally I notice that you seem to be enjoying yourself... a little too much. That's okay, if it'll get me the modeling gig I'm happy to oblige. I pose for you and run my hands all over my body, guiding you in a naughty jerk-off session. You just love looking at my big round ass, and my perky breasts. You know I'd look good in a swimsuit, but you're really enjoying just seeing me naked. You cum hard in your hard, right in front of me. Guess this means I'm getting the gig, right?